Village to Village Network
A “village” for seniors on the go
The Village to Village Network (VtV) is part of a grassroots effort to address the current and unfolding challenges of an older America – and it’s the model for what TRAIL hopes to accomplish.
Originally started in Boston’s Beacon Hill neighborhood in 2002, the Village concept arose out of community members’ desire to reside in their own homes while being able to access services that address their changing lifestyles as they aged.
Today, VtV is a national peer-to-peer network designed to help communities establish and manage their own Villages, whether in large metropolitan areas, rural towns or suburban settings.
Blazing a trail in eastern Iowa
Approximately 200 Village organizations are operating across the U.S., in Australia, and the Netherlands, with 150 additional Villages currently in development – including TRAIL of Johnson County, which is the first aging-in-place Village in the state of Iowa.
We encourage you to visit the VtV website for more information about the Villages concept. And then check out all the ways you can get involved with TRAIL and help us grow a Village here in Johnson County!