TRAIL members honored among Eight over 80
In 2023 the University of Iowa began a new alumni awards program to recognize “senior Hawkeyes” who continue to make an impact well beyond retirement. Eight Over 80 awardees are announced each fall and are celebrated at a UI event held during Older Americans Month the following May.
We’re proud to say that in both years, TRAIL members have been among the award winners:
Elizabeth Clothier was one of the inaugural Eight Over 80 awardees in 2023. While teaching in the Iowa City Community School District for 28 years, Elizabeth also found time to volunteer for local museums and to mentor student teachers at the UI College of Education. Since retiring in 2002, her volunteer activities haven’t slowed down. Among the local charitable organizations benefiting from Elizabeth’s time and talents are the Iowa City Free Lunch Program, Meals on Wheels, and the Compeer Program, which matches community volunteers with adults receiving mental health treatment.
Pam Willard is among the recently announced 2024 Eight Over 80 honorees. After earning her master's degree in preventive medicine from the UI, Pam began teaching at the UI College of Nursing in 1985, and in 2004 joined the UI College of Public Health, serving for a decade as a graduate student mentor until her retirement. Pam has continued her involvement with many community organizations, including the Iowa Women's Foundation, UI Retirees Association, Center for Worker Justice, League of Women Voters, Johnson County Interfaith Coalition, and UI Senior College.
Congratulations, Elizabeth and Pam, on your well-deserved Eight Over 80 recognition, and for demonstrating that when it comes to making a difference, age doesn’t have to be a deterrent.
Know of someone who might qualify as an Eight Over 80 awardee next year? You’ll find more information and a nomination form at