Annual Fund
Giving For The Greater Good
As TRAIL grows to serve greater numbers of older adults throughout Johnson County, yearly contributions from members and friends are needed to strengthen the TRAIL community. Please join us as an annual fund donor! [Scroll down the page to see our latest honor roll of contributors.]

Annual gifts help TRAIL cover yearly expenses that keep our organization healthy, from staffing and supplies to community events. Contributions from individuals also help underwrite our Supported Membership Program for income-eligible households. TRAIL’s long-term goal is to achieve a balanced funding mix that is roughly 50 percent membership fees and 50 percent gifts and grants. Annual fund gifts are a critical component of our revenue stream.
Want to learn more? Check out our annual fund FAQs.
To make supporting TRAIL even easier, consider making your annual gift via monthly withdrawals from your bank account or credit card. Click here to download the necessary form with instructions.
Don't forget, you can make a charitable contribution to TRAIL from your IRA. The contribution counts toward your required minimum distribution but isn't considered income for tax purposes.
All contributors receive our monthly TRAIL Guide newsletter to keep them informed about our activities, and are invited to donor appreciation events.
The honor roll below is one way of expressing our thanks to current annual fund contributors, whose gifts are helping to ensure TRAIL’s financial stability this year and in all the years to come. We also are deeply grateful to those who've directed recent tribute gifts to TRAIL in honor or in memory of friends and loved ones recognized below. THANK YOU!
Annual Fund Honor Roll
The lists below gratefully recognize contributors who have made gifts of $50 or more since January 1, 2024.
An [S] indicates a Sustaining Donor who provides ongoing support of TRAIL
through automatic bank account or credit card withdrawals.
Corporate Sponsors of $250 or more are recognized in a separate honor roll.
TRAIL Builders
(Annual gifts of $1,000 or more)
- Bonnie and Doug Boothroy
- Bob Brooks and Mark Ruggeberg
- Patricia Farrant
- Thomas and Maria Gudenkauf
- Kathy Mitchell
- Linda and Paul Muhly
- Johnathan Dorfman and Melissa Kaish
- Richard and Linda Randell
- RPC Charitable Foundation
- Alan and Liz Swanson
- Charles Welker Estate
TRAIL Supporters
(Annual gifts of $250-$999; *indicates gift of $500 or more)
- Charles Anderson Estate*
- Richard and Ann Burton
- Candace & Michael Conlan*
- Lorraine Dorfman*
- Charlie Drum* [S]
- Maggie Elliott*
- Betty Fisher [S]
- Lesanne & Jack Fliehler
- Vincent Gaffney & Micah Ariel James*
- Kathy Jacobs
- Jeremy James*
- Joni Jones*
- Pamela Kautz
- Jane McCune & Bob Wachal
- Linda McGuire
- Peggy & Marc Mills
- Kris & Alan Nagel
- Virginia Naso
- Janene Panfil & Donald Stumbo*
- Ana & Ryan Peterson
- James & Mary Pratt*
- Ed Rolenc*
- Mary Roth
- Jim Ruebush & Melanie McNeil*
- Robert Schafbuch*
- Susan Shullaw*
- Joy Smith & David Rust*
- Sally Stutsman
- Dwight & Vicki Tardy*
- Alex Taylor
- Douglas West*
- Nancy Williams*
- Lori Ziegenhorn & Murray Bouschlicher
TRAIL Explorers
(Annual gifts of $50-$249)
- Stephanie Alnot
- Allison Andrews
- Jeanne Bancroft
- Debbie Beermann & David Van Dusseldorp
- Ginny Blair
- Terry Boles
- Dick & Phyllis Braverman
- Carolyn Brown
- Mary Cannon [S]
- Holly Carver & Lain Adkins
- Jay Cayner & Gayle Sand
- Jeanne & Patrick Collision
- Rebecca Conard
- Tom & Joan Cook
- Marvin Denburg
- Gerald Denehy
- Jo & Terry Dickens
- Richard & Deb Dorzweiler
- Stephen Dunbar
- Laurey Easland & Michael Paulsen
- Joanne Eggert [S]
- Bob & Maggie Elliott
- Ronald & Sonia Ettinger
- Kyle & Sherri Erkel
- Marie Evans
- Charles & Margaret Felling
- Art Fleck
- Marcia Gaffney
- Kevin & Pat Hanick
- Jay & Julie Happel
- Peggy Hartzell
- Philip Heckel
- Pat Heiden
- Judith Hendershot
- Walter Helms
- Ellen Heywood & Paul Ingram
- Jody Hovland & Ron Clark
- Carol & William Hulbary
- Anita Hutton
- Susan & Mark Isham
- Jo Lavera Jones [S]
- Donald & DeeAnn Kearney
- John & Claudia Knutson
- Sheldon & Alice Kurtz
- Gary Lawrenson & Linda Rice
- Mike Lewis-Beck & Sara Sauers
- Diana & John Lundell
- Caryl Lyons
- Susan McCabe
- Yvonne McCabe
- Margery McCardell
- Linzee & Paul McCray
- Bob McDonald
- Julie & Philip Mears
- Cheryl Miller
- Alfrieta Monagan
- Twyla Morlan
- Craig Mosher [S]
- Linda & Ray Muston
- Jan Myatt
- Mary New
- Carrie Z. Norton
- Daissy Owen
- Joyce Paul
- Al & Dottie Persson
- Beverly Robalino
- DuVeen Robinson [S]
- Ann Romanowski
- Tom & Carol Rosenberger
- Pat Smith
- Tom Snee
- Barb Stein
- Sharon Stubbs [S]
- Christine Taylor
- Dave & Joanne Tigges
- Christine & Sarah Thomas
- Grace & Jim Tully
- Bernie Weikert
- Rich & Rose Weitzel
- Veronica Wieland
- Brian & Bonnie Williams
- Rich and Deb Wretman
- Gail Zlatnik
Tribute Gifts
(Gifts made to TRAIL in honor or in memory of friends and loved ones)
In memory of Sandra Denburg
- Marvin Denburg
In memory of Charlie Anderson
- Carolyn Brown
- Maggie Elliott
- Sonia & Ronald Ettinger
- John & Claudia Knutson
- Jane McCune
- Julia & Philip Mears
- Linda & Ray Muston
- Carrie Z. Norton
- Joy Smith & David Rust
- Pat Smith
- Douglas West
- Bruce & Bonnie Williams
In memory of Pat & Joyce Erkel
- Kyle & Sherri Erkel
- Maura Casey
- James Erkel
- Frances Starkweather
- Dorothy Watson
- Charles & Margaret Felling
- Donald & DeeAnn Kearney
- Mabeth Natzke
- Pat Smith
- Christine Taylor
In memory of Betty Fisher
- Pat Smith
In memory of Tom Gartland
- Patricia Farrant
- Joy Smith & David Rust
In honor of Joni Jones
- Elaine Tarnutzer